New Look Blue Peter Brownies

Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes

As long as I can remember I've always loved baking, though I really caught the bug when I was in 6th form (sort of similar to the senior year of high school in the US). My friend and I helped our tutor make a cake for a school event,  after that we were always called upin as helpers to make treats.

Around the same time, we and our other friends put together a tuck shop, the money from which would go to charity. The most popular item from our tuck shop were the cheese toasties, we even had teachers queuing up for them.

Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes

Also popular were our brownies, so quick and simple to make, so soft and chewy, they were the first and best brownies I'd ever tasted. I'd seen them being made on a children's magazine show called Blue Peter and made them the next day for the tuck shop. I also made them at home whenever I had the chance, these brownies were that good.

After leaving school, I didn't do much baking apart from the odd birthday cake. It was only when I was pregnant with the tripolatas that I remembered those fabulous brownies. By that time I'd forgotten the recipe and couldn't find it online. Other brownie recipes didn't seem quite right so I resigned my self to the fact that I'd never have them again.

Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes

Fast forward to a few months ago, on a whim, I decided to do another search. Low and behold there it was,  another fan of these brownies had put the recipe online. I was so elated and earmarked it for a future bake.

Now fast forward again to yesterday, I felt like making something but only had a little butter and a couple of eggs, so out came the brownie recipe.

The original recipe called for chocolate chips which I didn't have so substituted with smarties. I also added a little something extra as a topping.

I have posted the original recipe and well as my update, I hope you like them both.

Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes

The original:
100g butter
40g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
225g sugar
50g self raising flour
50g cocolate chips
(The method for making both is exactly the same.)

My remake, here's what you'll need:
* Substitute chocolate chips with 70g of smarties (roughly chopped)
* Use 60g of flour instead of 50g
* Plus 1-2 handfuls of mini marshmallows
You could also reduce the sugar as the smarties and marshmallow will add some sweetness. The other ingredients are the same.

Here's what you'll need to do: makes 6 mini brownies
Preheat the oven to 180Β°C/356Β°F/gas 4

1. Melt the butter in a pan, once melted, take off the heat and mix in the cocoa powder, then add the vanilla.

2. Put the sugar and eggs together into a bowl and mix together.

3. Add the butter and cocoa mix to the sugar and egg and mix together until fully combined.

4. Sift in the flour and fold into the mix. Then add the crushed smarties and fold again.

5. Divide the batter between six brownie molds and top with marsmallow (pressing them in slightly). Alternatively the batter can be placed in a cake tin.

Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes

6. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Then remove from the oven and leave in the tins to cool. I dusted mine with icing sugar but you could leave yours plain or top with cocoa powder.

Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes  Blue Peter Brownies by Mrs U Makes

Eat and enjoy

Are there any favourite recipes that you have lost? 


  1. These sound so good! I love peanut butter, and chocolate.

  2. Thank you for sharing this recipe at City of Creative Dream's City of Links last Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey!! Thanks for the post. It was good experience to go through the article. You can also go for Best Brownies To Order OnlineBest Brownies To Order Online

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  5. This is the recipe I always use! Tried others but this one is amazing.... i also chop up dairy milk and put it in.... or put terrys chocolate orange in!... also can make a quick ganache for top... melted choc with cream mixed in.... bliss!


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