The Fiber Factor Review

I know, I know, The Fiber Factor has been up and running for sometime. The contestant have completed challenge four and we watchers are waiting to see what they've come up with.

I caught up with all the challenges a couple of weeks ago and recently decided to write about my thoughts. I thought that it would be weird (at least for me me anyway) to start a review in challenge four, so I'll do a quick review of Challenges 1-3 before the makes from challenge four are revealed. 

Now I say review but what I really mean is my thoughts on the contestants work and a recap on what some of the judges have said and weather I agree with them. I'm not a knitting expert, and I have nowhere near the talent that these contestants have, so my review won't be a critique but merely me just saying what I like/dislike about each item.

So far I've been amazed by what they have produced, especially within the time frame given. I would love to be able to swatch along with the challenges, maybe the next series......or the one after that.

Check out what's been happening so far at The Fiber Factor
